Thursday 22 April 2010

Lucky London. Arrr

One of the delights of British politics is the fringe parties: anyone with £500 can stand for Parliament (and you get it back if you poll 5%). It's been abused by commercial interests, and some of them are attention seekers, or just crazed, but they can offer a commentary on mainstream politics.

So if you live in the Cities of London and Westminster constituency, you can vote for Mad Cap'n Tom, the Pirate candidate. Amongst other thing, he sees British youths' handiness with a knife as an asset:

All British schoolchildren t'be trained in swordsmanship an' gunnery.
Half of 'em be knowin' how t'use a knife already, this not be a stretch.
Once got five gold runs on Blockbusters.
Despite all appearances, is not a student. 

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