Saturday, 31 January 2009
The Punisher
Hubble, bubble…
My thought's on apostrophes'
Friday, 30 January 2009
Ebony and Ivory
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Possibly the highlight of my sporting career

Most of what I laughably consider my achievements are tinged with disappointment. Not last night's glory though. Last night, I executed a perfect prime parry-riposte. Obviously this will thrill precisely none of you, but it impressed me, and my opponent, who clearly wasn't expecting me to land something which requires precision, speed, timing and low cunning. When you have a plan and it works, time slows. You can both see what's happening - the inevitability of the hit is apparent from the first move. Nothing is so satisfying - or nothing in my life anyway!
Ben - another apology
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
We're with you, Cynical Ben
Another random act of bibliophilic kindness
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
A little light blasphemy
Och no!
Monday, 26 January 2009
Ode to the Vole
Why Paul Dacre should commit hara-kiri, pt. 93
Genuine art masterpieces
Sunday, 25 January 2009
It's OK, the cavalry's here
Evil, cynical genius
In the old days, politicians would appeal to your political interests. Now, it's just a matter of selling you a lifestyle. This is both the best and worst political broadcast I've ever seen. Want policies? Tough. The message is, nice girls don't boff socialists (she cries because she's just slept with someone who has filled in an application for the Socialist Party of Austria). But that doesn't matter. It could just as easily sell holidays, insurance, the Nazis, whatever. Hollow… so hollow that it doesn't need dialogue.
Stream of consciousness
Friday, 23 January 2009
Happy Birthday, old man
Health fascists ruin a little boy's fun
New York's new Senator
The death list - more candidates
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Neal: an apology
All because the lecturer loves… Milk Tray
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Boulot métro dodo
A dose of common sense
I wrote about the Kara Neumann case last year — it was the tragic story of an 11 year old girl in Wisconsin who died of treatable juvenile diabetes because her parents were faith-healing morons. Morons who still claim they did no wrong by neglecting their daughter when she lapsed into unconsciousness, choosing to call on the congregation of their wackaloon church to pray harder, instead of calling a doctor.
The parents are finally going to trial this spring, and it could be an interesting case. They are clearly and self-admittedly guilty of lethal negligence, but Wisconsin law actually has an exemption for people who choose to treat their children with prayer. It's an evil law, but it is on the books, and that makes this a case where justice and reason are on one side, and narrow legalism and superstition are on the other. I'm not betting on which side will win out, not in America
Tyburn Tree's too good for them
The Plashing Vole to the Rescue
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Slight return
Inauguration blues
What if?
Monday, 19 January 2009
Brave satirical warriors
I shall take this opportunity to say a few words
"Fellow-citizens, being fully invested with that high office to which the partiality of my countrymen has called me, I now take an affectionate leave of you. You will bear with you to your homes the remembrance of the pledge I have this day given to discharge all the high duties of my exalted station according to the best of my ability, and I shall enter upon their performance with entire confidence in the support of a just and generous people."Actually, it wasn't. These are the closing lines of William Harrison's Presidential Inauguration Speech in 1841. He spoke for two hours in a snowstorm, without a coat on, and died a month later. Yahoo News has a feature on the worst inaugural speeches. Can anyone remember Bush's? Not me. Something about God, Texas, compassionate conservatism no doubt. It was probably better than Blair's 'A new age has dawned, has it not?' Or was it 'A new day has dawned'? Whenever people say he was a great orator or connector I want to hurl - I doubt he has the histrionic skills to say 'good morning' sincerely. How he asks with a straight face for his massive cheques after the speeches he gives the University of Dead Dog Arizona or wherever, I just don't know.
My secret identity revealed

I am now complete. The long walk to the post room was worth it: I am now the proud owner of a Green Lantern t-shirt. It's not quite like the leotard-style one above.
"In brightest day... in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight! Let those who worship evil's might beware my power--Green Lantern's light!"Even more excitingly, it's the first Medium t-shirt I've bought in years! I'm not going to be mistaken for Comic-Book Guy!
Health Solutions
Friday, 16 January 2009
Academic top tips for students
The world's worst newspaper in another triumph
Thursday, 15 January 2009
All hail John McDonnell
Picture this
A couple of pictures. One of the aftermath of all our Map Twats days out. The other is of a postcard I bought recently from Left on the Shelf, my favourite leftwing book and memorabilia shop. It seems strangely up to date, leaving aside the design of the old job centres. I also bought a Wapping-era 'boycott The Sun, News of the World and The Times' mug for using in the Media office.
This time it's personal
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Thanks Kate
Blah blah blah
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
In memoriam
Close encounters of the ovine kind
Monday, 12 January 2009
To whom it may concern
The death of journalism
Queen Caroline
A Cold Sheep Was My Table
The Map Twats had a glorious day in Shropshire on Saturday. The wind was biting, the snow still lay round about deep and crisp and even, and the beer was good. Typically, the spot we chose to shelter for our lunch turned out to be the last resting place of a sheep - Dan noticed the ribcage sticking up, and John turned out to have been sitting on its skull. A dead-sheep theme is starting to emerge on our walks. Lots of photos here, including some of the natural ice-sculpture we found.
Friday, 9 January 2009
Oh Salopia!

The Map Twats and John are off to the Stiperstones tomorrow - a long, steep ridge of Stiperstones Quartzite packed with prehistoric sites, geological curiosities and other fun stuff. Picture by Sabine
War's bad…
Lines on the closure of Dell in Limerick, a great disaster
How capitalism works pt. 324
Thursday, 8 January 2009
A new era dawns
Keep it up!
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Will the last journalist on the Daily Mail please switch off the lights?
Black Wednesday: the fallout
Black Wednesday 6 - questions.
Black Wednesday 5 - questions.
Black Wednesday 4 - questions
Black Wednesday 3
Black Wednesday 2
Black Wednesday
Cravat Twats
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Cutting back on the luxuries
Monday, 5 January 2009
I'm such a middle-class w*nker
Nerd heaven
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Competitive bird-seeing

My chums are getting competitive about their birdwatching - degenerating into spotting really. Cynical Ben is especially pleased that he's seen fringilla montifringilla (depicted above courtesy of the RSPB who love birds except for pheasants). Seen one finch, seen them all, I say. He's overjoyed that Dan didn't because he got the wrong bus in Wigan. If you have to go to Wigan to see a bird, it's not worth it. Orwell didn't give up his wanderings there for no reason, you know. Even Stoke didn't make him turn round.
Free the Tarnac 9