Tuesday, 30 June 2009
ID cards - we win on points
The grande oeuvre is complete
Michael Jackson: victim of global politics
It's Pay Day!
Monday, 29 June 2009
We are a charitable lot
The number of students prevented by their parents from attending sex education classes increased during the Iraq war, when many Muslim families immigrated to Sweden. The Scandinavian country, with 10 million inhabitants, granted full refugee status to 24,799 Iraqis between 2003 and 2007, compared with 260 by Britain.
Here Comes The Rain Again
This is the news
Michael Jackson: the final word
But the news is not the place to "celebrate" Jackson's music. The Glastonbury stage, the pub, the club, the office stereo, the arts documentary: that's the place. The news should report his death, then piss off out of the way, leaving people to moonwalk and raise a toast in peace.
If I was God, here's what I'd do now. I'd force all the rolling networks to cover nothing but the death of Michael Jackson, 24 hours a day, for the next seven years. Glue up the studio doors and keep everyone inside, endlessly "reporting" it, until they start going mad and developing their own language – not just verbal, but visual. And I'd encourage viewers to place bets on which anchor would be the first to physically end it all live on air.
And while that was happening, I'd create some other stations that covered other stuff. Current affairs type stuff. I think I'd call them "news channels". They might catch on.
Jump into the pool of books
A miseryguts writes…
Friday, 26 June 2009
Au revoir, until Monday

Never mind Michael bloody Jackson
Help! Inspiration lacking!
Raise your glasses to the Map Twats
Yet another Friday Conundrum
No laughing matter (unless the jokes improve)
Jackson's last words: 'Treat me in the children's ward'.
What do Alex Ferguson and Michael Jackson have in common? Neither will be playing Gig(g)s this August.
Police have drawn up some suspects. They're not sure who to blame it on. Will it be the sunshine?, the moonlight?, the good times? or their number one suspect, ....the boogie
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Where have all the nerds gone?
Transient random noise bursts and announcements
Hiking The Appalachian Trail
More on dead tree media
Everything you know is wrong. Discuss.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
I Foresee Calamity Befalling You At The Next Election
All aboard the effete train
Top of the Popes

It's the Vole's birthday in July: my dear sister, mindful of my devout Catholicism (ahem), asks whether I'd like to choose from this catalogue. Most of these would earn you a shallow grave in most parts of Northern Ireland (pronounced locally as Norn Iron), but this one would get you there much quicker, particularly in Celtic colours.
Court Short
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
The wheels on the bus…
Missed me? Didya didya didya?
Something else to annoy Ewarwoowar
Morning all!
Monday, 22 June 2009
Any sign of white smoke?
Uneasy Lies The Wig
The Mailbox Always Beeps Twice
Testing… Testing… 1, 1 2, 1, 1 2
I used podbean.com - slightly fiddly but got it working in the end.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Wisdom from the master
I look forward to an eco-friendly future where everyone wears drab and similar clothes until they wear out, just like I do. Obviously I don't do it out of environmental conscience, but laziness and the fear that, if I try to demonstrate taste, I'll be exposed as a twat.
But however puny my motives, I am basically right not to buy expensive yet flimsy new togs all the time.
This old dog DID learn a new trick
Ello Ello Ello, what's goin' on 'ere then?
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Another leisurely weekend
Friday, 19 June 2009
Another wasted Friday
Hippies: death from above
You literally couldn't make it up (unless you were very cynical indeed)
This week's Friday conundrum
Didn't we have a lovely day the day we went to Oxford?
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Toodle-pip, old beans

Indier than thou
A random accretion of things
Avoid the greenwash
Blogging from the ivory tower
Activities that do not lead to a revenue stream, such as teaching too well, writing for the public, and, above all, blogging, are considered a sign of an undisciplined and romantic mind that is unlikely to produce a strong ongoing revenue stream.
Save our Bloggers
What bloggers do is humanise and explain their section of the world - public sector bodies do well to have bloggers writing within them, after all these are the people who care about what they do, about what improvements should be made and about where the faults come from. They highlight these things in the hopes that, in bringing this information into the public consciousness, they can effect a change that they would otherwise be powerless to bring about.
Anonymity provides a protection against vindictiveness from management who would rather do nothing than repeat the party-line, or lie, that everything is perfect, there is no cause for concern. Having seen management do, essentially illegal things, in order to persecute and victimise staff - anonymity is a way of protecting your mortgage payments.
I Get Reviews
Hey, “one who served,” ever consider how the disloyal press manipulated film footage to undercut our efforts in Vietnam (as in Iraq) and ennoble the campus cowards who protested the war in Vietnam? And “Plashing Vole,” faithfully invoking the patent Baudrillard rubbish that the Gulf War didn’t happen makes one wonder why you are allowed to teach anything, even in a shameless pc-ridden nanny-state like what the UK has devoled into.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
We have a winner
Who is the Plashing Vole?
I'm an academic get me out of here
Death to… well, somebody. A recount, at least.
A Clip Round the Ear?
I fear those big words, Stephen said, which make us so unhappy.
Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.