Friday, 31 July 2009

So farewell then, Lesley Tennick

Lesley has been the school secretary in my institution for 18 years and 11 months, and I've been there for almost ten years of that.

She's a canny Geordie who always managed to make phone calls, type letters and keep an eagle eye on the stationery cupboard at the same time, always wreathed in flowers. There were periods when I was months behind with my rent because management couldn't be bothered to sign contracts for teaching already done, and Lesley would put on her stern face, say 'leave it to me' and march into her boss's office - payment would be forthcoming within days. She also never quite conveyed the exasperation she must have felt when we lost keys, forms, forgot to give lectures etc. etc. - she would calmly sort it all out with minimum fuss.

Without Lesley, the place would be chaotic, as well as much less pleasant to work in. We'll miss her.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Lovely words, but you might want to add that she's retired rather than died. Just a thought...