Multiculturalism, she writes, "has become the driving force of British life, ruthlessly policed by a state-financed army of local and national bureaucrats enforcing a doctrine of state-mandated virtue to promote racial, ethnic and cultural difference and stamp out majority values". British nationhood is being disembowelled by "mass immigration, multiculturalism and the onslaught mounted by secular nihilists against the country's Judeo-Christian values."
The key to her analysis is her belief in a general collapse of values or, in her words, "the creation of a debauched and disorderly culture of instant gratification, with disintegrating families, feral children and violence, squalor and vulgarity on the streets". This is combined, she believes, with a profound anti-semitism among people who do not realise that "the fight against Israel is not fundamentally about land. It is about hatred of the Jews".
"The capture of all society's institutions, such as schools, universities, churches, the media, the legal profession, the police and voluntary groups. This intellectual elite was persuaded to sing from the same subversive hymn sheet so that the moral beliefs of the majority would be replaced by those on the margins of society, the perfect ambience in which the Muslim grievance culture could be fanned into the flames of extremism."
She writes, of course, for the Daily Mail.
The newspaper rack is perfectly designed, as you can see, to shut her up by cramming her mouth with The Guardian, which is her nemesis. The speech bubble is wipe-clean, enabling me to replace her old lunacies with fresh ones.
Melanie Philips: proof that you can be intelligent and stupid, or cynical ranter for money? Whatever the case, she makes me angrier than anyone else on the planet. This includes Michael Portillo. He was the son of Spanish Republican refugees who betrayed them by becoming one of the most rightwing Conservative government ministers in recent history. He made me shout extremely rude words at the television this morning. It was a repeat of one of his post-politics travel shows, in which he extolled the beauty and efficiency of the Spanish hyper-fast railway network.
Why did this make me angry, you may ask. After all, you love trains and foreigners, Vole. (Yes, Melanie, I do.) Well children, it made me angry because Portillo was one of the Conservative minister who privatised Britain's railway network. They broke it up into stupid little parcels and sold the scraps at a knockdown price to their flaky, dodgy, asset-stripping financier friends, who turned a tired but functional service into a shiny, awful, unreliable service which is Europe's most expensive. So for him to spend licence-payers' money grinning smugly from the seat of a fast, luxurious train we'll never have because he stole the network from us is UTTERLY UNCONSCIONABLE. The total, total bastard. How DARE he?
And yet, Melanie Philips is worse. Portillo's a well-fed smug turncoat. Philips is actually, deliberately evil because she refuses to think past her prejudices, despite having the intelligence to do so.
Dude, it looks like some sort of twisted sex toy - are you sure It's a newspaper you're supposed to stuff into its mouth?
Portillo has actually mellowed over the years into a slightly left-leaning human being, while somehow retaining the smug and oily charm that we loved him for in the nineties.
Re-nationalise the railways!
That is a bloody brilliant gift.
Oh, and can someone quickly edit my last blog post before Voley reads it? Thanks.
Adam: he almost mellowed but the closer the Tories get to government, the more the old lizard returns. The railways thing was his attempt to play human and get some media work.
On the Philips item. Yes. I know.
Yes to renationalising the railways. Perhaps we should start a Facebook group. It works for the music charts…
Ewar: ????
My latest blog where I state that I was in agreement with Portillo over something.
I'm as upset as you are.
On the Londonistan thing: As Pakistan means 'Land of the pure' and the etymology of London is unclear and essentially lost, does this mean that Melanie Philips refers to London as 'Land of the London'? It actually sounds quite sweet doesn't it - Land of the London? Quite Narnian.
Philips clearly lives in Cloud Cuckoostan. Silly person.
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