Tuesday 2 June 2009

We're all off to Walsall, We're all off to Walsall, la la la la

Well, that's it for a few hours. I'm guessing that many of you are out in the sun anyway. I'm off to Walsall on the campus bus, which will be horrible. Not, unfortunately, to visit the Jerome K Jerome Museum: instead I'm going to meet the external examiners for the PGCE and hope they don't ask me any detailed questions. (Jerome's Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow almost made it as the name of this blog).

Still, lunch with Bec, which is always fun. I've also just ordered Sarah Waters' The Little Stranger and China Miéville's The City and the City to keep my average up.

I got a free book in the post yesterday too. LibraryThing members can request one of a number of review copies provided by publishers. I'm a bit behind with the ones I wanted to review, which is a bit naughty. This latest one is a proof copy of Giles Foden's Turbulence, which is set in the meteorology world prior to D-Day. Excellent: I need to read about rain to take my mind off the relentless searing heat!

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