Friday 8 May 2009

Hazel's squirrelling nuts away

Imagine my joy! I've had occasion to take Ms. Blears to task before, so it's sweet to be vindicated. Not only is she a moral and political void, the epitome of mechanoid politics, she's on the take. She's spent nearly £2000 on two TVs - why not a couple of £250 units, Hazel? Perhaps the thinking was that if she bought a 52-inch screen, she could watch her own appearances in life-size!

Worst of all, she's been playing the property market like a Tory, using our money to do places up, then sell them on - claiming on three houses in one year. Clearly Hazel has been using her mega-screen TVs to watch 'Trading Up' or some such evil, Thatcherite programme. I imagine my cousins the weasels are denying any relation to her right now.

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