Monday 11 July 2011

Th-th-that's all folks!

I away for the rest of the week, and doubt I'll have internet access. Tomorrow, I'm doing a child protection management course at the NSPCC. It's like when you're offered a day's road safety tuition in lieu of penalty points.

Only joking - I haven't hit a child since I was one. I'm part of the welfare/child protection set-up for fencing, and need to update my skills.

After that, I'm off to Sheffield to volunteer at the European Fencing Championships. I would have qualified, but I'm apparently I'm 'too rubbish' and fat. Tickets still available - and you'll see lots of the Olympics fencers who'll be turning up in London next year.

I'm also 36 on Thursday. I don't feel a day over 35.

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