Thursday 4 November 2010

Nothing like me

This is David Mitchell. We have nothing in common. Except appearance, birthday, sartorial taste and opinions.


Sinéad said...

I didn't realise you chaps had the same birthday too... seriously, separated at birth!

Or are you, in fact, the same person? I, for one, have never seen you and David Mitchell in the same room, at the same time. Are you his alter ego, or he yours? Have I just blown the cover on your secret identity?

Lou said...

Very funny guy and a voice of reason much like your own.

The Plashing Vole said...

It's true. He's my secret identity. Or I'm his. I once had lunch with an ex-girlfriend of his. She addressed me as David throughout. I wasn't sure whether that meant I was definitely 'in' or definitely 'out'.

Turned out it meant 'out'.

Sue's Blog said...

You could have a lucrative side-line as his stand in or stunt man!

The Plashing Vole said...

I was thinking more of blackmail. Let the paparazzi catch me loitering outside a few primary schools until he pays me to go away.