Well, I'm back. I was in Co. Kerry, Ireland for the famous
Killorglin Mid-Kerry
Puck Fair.• It rained a lot and I read some books (
Three Guineas,
The Nigger Factory,
Tales of the City,
Sheila Wingfield's Collected Works (thanks, Canon!),
The Just City,
Brick Lane,
Fight Club,
The Wretched of the Earth and
Little Brother, ate far too well, saw
a play about
Jimmy Gralton, went to the
Vermeer and Co. exhibition, and took some photos. In other words: perfect. Below – a few of my favourite shots. The rest are
Handheld! |
At the fireworks |
Also at the fireworks |
Despite being called 'Chilled Cans' and being held up by scaffolding inside, this place insists on pouring Guinness properly even with 10,000 people waiting. Unlike every single pub in the UK. |
Tork Waterfall, Killarney |
The Skelligs from near Waterville |
I return to the cheery news that our faculty management, which has never been less than profligate when it comes to its own pursuits, has decided to cut costs by withdrawing the sweaty but free cheese sandwich it gave staff who came in on Saturdays to run Open Days. As a symbol of mean-spirited and misdirected economy in HE, said sandwich really takes the biscuit.
•It's only a Mid-Kerry festival according to a man from
Castlemaine. He also told us his mother's house rules for Puck. 1. Don't vomit on the sofa. 2. Don't bring back any
Beaufort girls. We didn't get to learn what she had against them.