Wednesday, 27 January 2010

More for the Iraq junkies

Former Attorney-General Lord Goldsmith is giving evidence to the Chilcot Enquiry. It seems that he thought that the war was illegal, then probably illegal, then maybe legal and finally definitely legal - we haven't quite reached the stage where he explains this, but there's plenty of good stuff already, such as Blair's unwelcoming response to legal advice.

Clearly everyone giving evidence so far is passing the blame to Blair, as though we lived in a dictatorship rather than a parliamentary, Cabinet democracy. If true, government's broken. If not, what a spineless bunch.

Blair gives evidence soon. He may take one for the team by accepting blame, he may proclaim God's permission and refuse to accept that anything at all was even slightly dubious, or he may dump Brown and his surviving colleagues in it. My guess is a mix of b and c with a side order of enormous arrogance.


  1. Legal advice? That's a detail - the Government doesn't have time to worry about those, it's got important work to do. Suspect your predictions for the Vicar of St Albion are right!

  2. Hmmm. This blog is getting awfully political of late. Can we mix it up a little please?

    And nothing self-depreciatory either. I demand fluff and gossip from your life. I want in. I want the Vole behind the Vole. My needs are petty and puerile perhaps, but I want more piffle and less politics.

    Thank you. Big hugs.

  3. Well I'll try, but politics is one of my primary obsessions.

  4. Perhaps you can talk about your budding romance with Kate?!

    What else can explain all the blog comments she's leaving!

  5. Ha ha ha ha ha! Ewar you have no idea quite how funny that is, for various reasons I'm not at liberty to divulge. Sorry to pour cold water on the juicy gossip but its a case of putting two and two together and making five!

    It's certainly true that Vole and I share mutual admiration for each other, given our political fervour (and music taste etc) but that's about all there is to it. I'm afraid it's as sad and boring as a) I'm as obsessed as Vole when it comes to politics, in fact maybe even more so (Sorry Ben!)- it plays a major part in the PhD I'm currently writing, b) I'm currently writing up my PhD (or meant to be) - all day and every day locked in a veritable Rapunzel's tower (no daylight or social life - get the violins out!)and Vole's blog is one of my few links to the outside world and reminders that there is one! and c) familiar with the notion of 'displacement activity'? That what you absolutely have to be doing is cleaning the bathroom instead of writing that dreaded essay. It's all of those things.

    Anyhow, besides all of that I am very happily spoken for (you know that 'Matt' I mention in posts from time time?), as for Vole's current marital status, well, I couldn't possibly comment!

  6. Sorry Katherine, I've not seen you mention a "Matt" before.

    About 3 seconds after I published that comment though I suddenly got cold feet, regarding the possibility that you may be related to t'Vole.

    If that is indeed the case, and thats why that comment was so hilarious, I am suitably mortified with myself.

  7. You've no need to be mortified, I'm no relation, but don't call me Katherine my name (on my birth certificate) is Kate! (Grrrr!;-)) Other than that no apologies needed, like I say, your post was very, very funny!

  8. Vole -I love ya, but I am with Ben and Ewar.

    Kate -you don't have to be 'spoken for' to be admired. You're smart and into politics, that can be hot so work it!

  9. Er… I have little to add. As to the reader requests for less politics: I can mix it up a little, but I am a political animal and we're living in interesting times…

  10. Dear Chilean Woman, thanks for the vote of confidence, but I'm already fully aware of my brilliance!

    Besides which, concepts like 'being hot' and 'working it' do not sit very comfortably with my demure English character. 'It simply wouldn't do, don't you know' (delivered in cut glass English accent - which I definitely don't have!) ;-)


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