Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Saved by the books…

Struggling with finding anything intellectual enough for the Subject Centre, I'm temporarily distracted by the arrival of more new books from the OUP (there's a sale on).

So what's going to stare accusingly at me from shelves until the day I die?

Gwyn Jones's translation of Eirik the Red and Other Icelandic Sagas
Angela Leighton's exploration of form and Victorian poetry, On Form
The Oxford History of English 
John Kerrigan's Archipelagic English: Literature, History and Politics 1603-1707.


  1. Let me know if the Icelandic sagas are any good MATT(!) is a big fan of the Norse ones

  2. I've read older translations, and they are very good. They have a lot in common with the Norse sagas, so they should be familiar to MATT!

  3. Thanks Voley! The MATT was aimed at Ewar rather than yourself. Suffice it to say, if I wanted a detective I, er, wouldn't be hiring him! ;-)


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