Amongst the professional development courses on offer at The Hegemon, a colleague recommends 'Starting a Conversation'.
Now I'm a shy and retiring rodent, but really: lecturers are rather good at speaking and listening - they're core attributes of the job. Amongst ourselves, conversations are even easier. Conventional gambits are 'how's your marking?', 'have you seen how much the V-C paid herself this year?' and 'why is management so patronising, arrogant, uninformed and prone to nonsense like 'Starting a Conversation'?' - openings which usually lead to lengthy discussions even without professional guidance…
In answer to your last question- because a) management of course know it all and have nothing to learn, b) clearly all staff more junior to them are idiots who know nothing and c) management like quick fixes like sending people on 'a course' - because management really is as simple as that 'a course' fixes all problems.