Monday, 1 March 2010

Save the BBC

Like the Open University, the NHS, the Royal Mail and other British public services, the BBC is an absolute star, proof that government works. Like these other institutions, it has problems, and like them, it's under attack by the forces of capitalism which say that only profit should inform our thinking (despite the global demonstration of capitalism's rapacity and appetite for destruction we're currently enduring).

The BBC is terrified of the incoming Conservative Party government.

If there's a single reason to vote Labour, it's that the Tories are going to cut everything that impedes the power of their friends. Usually, parties stand on a ticket of what they think is good for the citizens: with the Tories, they stand for whatever is good for their friends, and screw the voter (whom they construct as a bundle of greed, fear and selfishness anyway). They need to remember this: the market is a tool, not an end in itself. If we don't want it, it should go. The people like the BBC. Only tawdry commercial rivals, driven by greed and an outdated ideology, want to destroy it. Unfortunately, our political leaders listen only to such people.

In particular, this means that the BBC is going to be stripped bare because Murdoch's News International wants advert-funded, biased, hysterical and profitable TV to replace publicly-funded provision.

If you're a pop music fan, imagine a world in which you only ever hear top-ten, major label, reality-TV derived stuff. No Lady Gaga, no weird novelty hits, no Joy Divisions or bedroom tinkerers or odd commentators on life as it's lived now. Just an endless succession of manufactured, demographically calculated mimers or fake rebels advertising hair wax. If you like classical music, prepare yourself for a world in which the only tracks played have been sanitised by appearing on adverts (ClassicFMworld).

If you like news, imagine a world in which corporate activity is always presented as saintly. One in which newscasters tell you that the Prime Minister is a communist, or a reverse racist or a Nazi (i.e. watch Fox News now). Investigative journalism - dead. Speaking truth to power - gone. Boring but important investigations - abolished.

If you like comedy, imagine a world without Chris Morris, Alan Partridge, The League of Gentlemen and a host of others. Nothing weird, innovative or worthy - just programs tailored by the demands of advertisers. I doubt that the Tories will tolerate The Thick of It.

There are programs made by and for Tories which will go to the wall too. Songs of Praise: brought to you by some televangelist. Antiques Roadshow, sponsored by Cash4Gold. Last of the Summer Wine, full of Sanatogen product placement. Points of View? Not any more: f**k you. Kids' TV sponsored by McDonald's and a host of tatty toy manufacturers. Soaps advertising soap once more… Normal Tories like the BBC as much as anyone else: it's only the corporate shills at the top of the party who hate the idea that the public sphere should give any space to noncorporate voices.

And imagine this schlock punctuated (indeed, suffused with) adverts, product placements and hectoring. A shrunken public sphere in which only consumption has value.

Who wrote this BBC proposal?
It was drawn up by the corporation’s director of policy and strategy, John Tate, a former head of the Conservative policy unit, who co-wrote the party’s 2005 manifesto with David Cameron.

All becomes clear. The Tories have captured the BBC already. It's a hostage: bound, gagged, whimpering and developing Stockholm Syndrome. Why else would you employ someone who is ideologically opposed to your very existence. John Tate should be sacked, then tarred and feathered by the viewers.

This is hell. And it's coming to your living room in 2 months' time.


  1. I really can't comment on this one - but feel free to email me at my gmail address for an offline chat!


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