Monday, 1 March 2010

Is that it? Really?

The Conservative Party has millions of pounds to spend on the election. Ironically, given that they're planning massive cuts in public services to reduce Britain's debts in a hurry, they've even borrowed £5 million to fund the campaign (hopefully it'll go the way of Portsmouth FC).

They've used some of this cash to pay consultants for a vote-winning slogan guaranteed to convert voters by the millions. What is it?

Vote for Change.

That's it. Pathetic. Obviously meant to echo Obama (despite that gentleman's support for healhcare, trains, peace etc., you know, all the things the Tories hate), but even emptier. It could apply to any election anywhere. Change, of course, can also be negative - and will be in this case. Pol Pot, Hitler and the Taliban could all have honestly campaigned on the slogan Vote For Change. It completely gives up on any positive vision of a Tory Britain. All it means is 'Bored with Brown? Give us a go'. It's insulting. It's even worse than Labour's verbless 'A Future Fair For All'.

On the other hand, I'll vote for change. If David Cameron has any spare change in his pockets, I'll take it.

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