Friday, 16 October 2009

Jan Moir, PI

Ewarwoowar, good chap that he is, got his hands dirty by reading an article in the Daily Mail, which - as we've previously established - is the world's lowest, most hypocritical newspaper.

Jan Moir discusses the death of Steven Gateley, an unexceptionable Irish former pop star, who dies suddenly from pulmonary oedema while on holiday with his (male) partner, aged 33. The death was declared to be from natural causes by the coroner.

Except by highly-qualified pathologist Jan Moir. In a masterpiece of deduction ('young gay men don't die of natural causes'), she announces that Gateley was murdered, and names a Bulgarian man as the murderer (the Mail doesn't like foreigners, gays, and especially gay foreigners), which I'd have thought was pretty actionable. She accuses the family of hushing it up to avoid shame (they 'maintain' and 'insist' that there's a family history of heart failure), and then declares that Gateley's demise isn't 'natural' (her speech marks) because 'as a gay rights champion' (evidence?) it proves that civil partnerships don't work.

That's right. A young man's death proves that civilised recognition of same-sex partnerships is wrong, according to this self-styled Champion Of Gays.

As always in these evil pieces of 'journalism', it's all about insinuation of the nastiest kind. For the first time, I'm recommending that you go over there and attack, attack, ATTACK!


  1. Done and done. Though reading the comments I am not alone. There are a lot of angry people out there. What an evil woman.

  2. Would just like to clarify that I do not read the Mail. I was alerted to that article by:

    Chris Addison, David Schneider, Phill Jupitus, Jason Manford, Caitlin Moran, Graham Linehan, Charlie Brooker, Derren Brown, Mitch Benn, Arthur Matthews and dear old Stephen Fry on Twitter.

    There's nothing I can add to what has already been said, but I think the fact that he isn't even in the ground yet makes this article even worse, if that's possible.

  3. Here Vole is a perfect example of why Twitter is not a waste of time.

    Jan Moir is now a trending topic. Click on her name and lots of people helpfully give you a link to the press complaints comission, tell you what code points of the pcc she breaks (1,3,5 & 12), give you her e-mail address etc etc

    Power to the people!

    Join us Vole. Join us on twitter.

  4. Dead on.
    Twitter - I can see the point of it from an activist's point of view, it's just that a) I have nothing I want to communicate that urgently, and don't need to know what other people think so urgently that I can't wait for a substantial discussion.


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