Friday, 16 October 2009

In the Wildersness

 A while back, I had some fun at the expense of Nazi Alan B'stard lookalike, Geert Wilders, who was turned away from the UK for being a grubby little racist demagogue.

Now he's back for a bit of nose-rubbing with British scum - the UK Borders/Immigration service has decreed that he's allowed in - presumably on the basis that one more racist won't make that much difference.

No doubt Mr Wilders will claim that he's not racist, he just hates Muslims. In that case, I assume that his manifesto will call for the expulsion of all white Dutch converts to Islam. It's just too glib - like Christianity, Judaism and all the other faiths, there are groupings and sects ranging from the token to the fanatic, and there are individuals ranging from the Mass-every-day (my mother) to the weddings and funerals only brigade. Wilders, however, agglomerates all Muslims into one giant, scary THEM, despite the evidence that immigrant and minority groups tend to take on the attitudes of the country to which they move.

One more thing: Wilders lives in the Netherlands. Why can't he take the train to the UK? It takes 2-3 hours, whereas the plane requires two hours check-in, baggage reclaim, travel in to the city. His country will sink first of the European states!

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