Thursday, 1 July 2021

Non-holiday snaps

After almost a couple of years not picking up the camera (damn you, pandemic), I've been wandering around a bit more and thought you might like to see some. You can see even more here

First up, I went to a family wedding in Chichester – the furthest south in the UK I've ever been. Being in a crowd for the first time in ages was surprisingly weird, especially as it was largely made up of relations who for some reason expected an emotional response. I guess they'd forgotten that I was socially-distant long before it was fashionable. 

The Cathedral Peregrines!

St Richard…or Nosferatu?

Me, giving a lecture

I've also been wandering my local area again, spotting quiet areas I've not paid much attention to including - like a teenage goth - a disused cemetery near me. 


  1. If that's the Jeffcock Road cemetary, it's still in use!

  2. It is - I thought I'd read somewhere that it wasn't accepting new residents. Thanks!


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