Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Daily Photos No. 21: Up Where The Air Is Clear

These were taken on the Malvern Hills one bitterly cold, clear, wintery day in December 2010. It was just Neal and myself, unusually, and we got the earliest train we could manage to give us time to walk the entire length of that lovely spine of hills before darkness fell. Once up on the hills we saw lakes of morning mist lower down and the snow highlighted the patterned land. Birds of prey circled lazily in the cold sun, and we chanced upon a secretive meeting of Morris dancers out to mark some significant date. It was clearly a private event - no onlookers or organisation beyond a president - and one or two of those in blackface were a little freaked out by the appearance of a camera. w


  1. People taking pictures of Morris dancers wearing black makeup don't always have friendly intentions. These days.

  2. Agree about golf.


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