So we held a demonstration outside the college, which has hosting an Open Day. All very peaceful, though determined. We got lots of support from passers-by, colleagues and students. People came from Chesterfield, Bristol, London and all sorts of places across the country to support Dave Muritu and his colleagues. The BBC claimed a turnout of 30: judge for yourself from my pictures.
The speeches were good (and short), the samosas were spicy. The only disappointment was the socialist newspaper sellers. They're a constant feature of union demonstrations and I'm a bit of a connoisseur. At last year's UCU Congress, I counted 27 different socialist newspapers, all calling for Socialist Unity (which always means 'read my paper, join my party: the rest are all splitters). This time, all we got was Socialist Worker (the SWP took the morning off from attacking its own members as 'creeping feminists' to support the action), Socialist Appeal and The Socialist. Everyone knows the way to achieve power is to sell each other hectoring newspapers…
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A notorious Red caught planning an act of Revolutionary violence |
Beards have been mandatory on the left since Karl Marx. |
Bow ties and deerstalkers are very now on the left. |
Remember: If you can't appeal to their better natures or their good sense, appeal to their desire not to be horribly murdered at the hands of an angry mob. It's ugly but it works.