Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Blink and miss me

Morning everyone. As you may have noticed, my blogging schedule has slipped from the old - probably excessive - four a day to a mere couple a day. It's a combination of mental exhaustion and business. And perhaps I just don't have as many Reckons on subjects as I did when I was young. What a dreadful prospect: perhaps one day I'll wake up indifferent to everything from bad books to local Tories. On that day, I shall walk into the river with stones in my cardigan pockets like Virginia. If I can be bothered.

Today is hectic: chairing my union branch meeting, seeing students individually, writing lectures, giving lectures, hopefully managing to fit in a dutiful swim so that one day my arms reach the desk… As usual when it's like this, I fill the room with choral music. Being a Philistine of the first order, I use it functionally as an aesthetic and emotional sedative. If it's in Latin, so much the better: I can ignore the religious content and context. I can get by in Latin but only if I concentrate, which I don't intend to do.

Currently listening to Gabriel Jackson's new collection, Beyond the Stars - not quite as good as I expected it to be. Some pretty bits, some powerful bits, but fairly standard, all told. His O Sacrum Convivium setting is rather special though:

1 comment:

  1. River? What river? Yow must mean the cut.


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