Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Compare and contrast…

I've spent the last couple of days fantasising about inappropriate film remakes. Then Shackleford Hurtmore tells me that there's a Hollywood remake of School for Scoundrels.

As a way of proving Hollywood's artistic, political and cultural bankruptcy, here's the tennis match scene from the British original and the trailer for the modern American remake.

Let the bombing commence.

And because I can, here's the Cuban Boys' song sampling the original film's dialogue:


  1. Thank you for turning that negative news around for me... I'd never heard of the Cuban Boys before and will now be brainwashing my kids with those tunes on the way home from school tonight...

  2. Pleased to be of service. John Peel had it at the top of his Festive 50 one year.

  3. One of my few regrets in life is not listening to John Peel often enough when he was around.


Send me your reckons: