Thursday, 5 April 2012

Wherefore Art Thou, Volio?

Apologies for the break in service. Persecuted by the barbs of students about my online presence, I took some time off to do some relaxing WORK! Namely, writing a book chapter proposal on Borrow's Wild Wales and O. M. Edwards's Cartrefi Cymru. I'll give you a tip: living in the West Midlands for 12 years causes havoc with your Welsh mutations. And everything else, of course.

LAst night was a celebratory night off: two colleagues' birthdays and another's MA graduation. She did her BA with us, then her MA, and has even done some teaching for us, but now she's off to be a school teacher. As a Disney obsessive, she probably took the hump when we drew her attention to Walt Disney's Nazi sympathies.

Today's been even better: Map Twat founding member Neal popped down to Bath University to bag himself a funded PhD spot researching natural insulation in environmental buildings. I like to think that pouring abuse on his presentation helped (10 minutes, 97 graphs - as the kids say, FFS) and I fully intend to collect a commission from his scholarship loot. What with Dan's PhD in urban pigeons (or something), the only Map Twat lacking a doctorate is Cynical Ben, and he's doing a prestigious MA in Creative Writing so that's OK.

Anyway, that's about all from me for a few days. The swine are closing the university which leaves the institutionalised academic zombies like me with absolutely nothing to do. I'll probably stand outside the front door repetitively knocking, like Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory, until Monday or until I die.

(By the way, I'm famous now: my photographs of bluebells have been used in a newsletter about bluebells. Eat that, Magnum).

Enjoy your Easter.

1 comment:

  1. 'Persecuted by the barbs of students about my online presence..' haha. You knew I'd read this entry. Is it not complimentary that I miss your ramblings when they are not there?

    Congratulations to Neal! Knew he'd be fine.
    I don't know what I'll do without the library these next few days. Working from home is dangerous.
    Enjoy your bicycle ride, Vole.


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