Thursday, 16 June 2011

Hello Tories

Now why would Conservative Central Office be Googling one of their own MPs?
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194.203.158.# (Conservative Central Office)
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paul uppal
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his Twitter feed!/pauluppalmp

Thankfully, they found my website and presumably got themselves a bit of education. They know I'll be attending the meeting tomorrow - good job I'll be wearing this.

V for Vole!

A big hello to the monitoring department at The Hegemon too, for spending almost 2 hours scrutinising the humble Plashing Vole, specifically looking at references to this institution. I look forward to my invitation to a disciplinary hearing.


  1. Dammit Vole, scrolling down to your 'V for Vole!' remark with the attending image made me laugh so hard Diet Pepsi came out of my nose. Bravo.

    You best blog tomorrow's events.

  2. I aim to please.
    I won't be able to live-blog the events, but I'll take notes and pictures and give a full account on Monday.


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