Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Expelled from Paradise

Has anyone looked at the gimmicky new police site that itemises crimes in your postcode, in this case, for December 2010? It made realise what I miss about the countryside I came from (of course there's plenty of crime there - domestic violence, subsidy fraud etc. etc., but it's all behind closed doors, and population is tiny):

All crime and ASB0
To show crimes of a specific type click on the links below. To view details of individual crimes click the markers on the map.
Anti-social behaviour0
Vehicle crime0
Violent crime0
Other crime0

Now let's compare it to where Vole lives now:

All crime and ASB547
To show crimes of a specific type click on the links below. To view details of individual crimes click the markers on the map.
Anti-social behaviour145
Vehicle crime38
Violent crime91
Other crime191

How many crimes outside my building? 

Crime typeTotal
Anti-social behaviourAnti-social behaviour3
Other crimeOther crime2
Violent crimeViolent crime2

Plus four in the alleyway behind. I'm guessing it's the fault of the bloody nightclubs opposite. None of it is me, by the way.

Simon Jenkins rips apart this gimmick here.

1 comment:

  1. 1 vehicle crime and 1 violent crime on my actual road, and the area statistics are a lot lower than yours, but considering I live in the council-estate suburbs it still feels high. Think I'll buy a crossbow and get in loads of tinned food.


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