Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Millbank Tower protest.

Millbank Tower protest.
Originally uploaded by asif.khan
Momentarily satisfying, but playing into the rightwing political and media agenda. They probably weren't students.


  1. Visionary Emissary10 November 2010 at 16:19

    Its always the same agent provocateurs that are undoubtedly there to undermine the valid voices of concern. Again this only annoys the public and erode sympathy, this is just one of many tactics employed by the individuals with everything to gain from such organised chaos. If only the stupid students would grab these agents all dressed in black garb and with veils and make a citizens arrest, instead the sheep emulate these vile few. Another wasted march and time organising the march and the BBC propaganda repeating the mantra of chaos riots blah blah blah, baah baah.

  2. I think you're right - I wouldn't arrest them: the workers shouldn't be responsible for enforcing élite laws, but they should be cleared away by the students for exactly the reasons you suggest.

    This is the problem with the left: the interests of tiny sects often outweigh the ideological points being made. There is a place for violent confrontation but this wasn't it. Lenin called people like these idiots 'infantile leftists': those who can't resist getting any attention without a moment's thought about the longterm strategy and the ways in which this behaviour can be presented by hostile media, as you so rightly point out.

  3. It isn't acceptable, no but there’ll be those saying that this is the only way for the Government to take notice outside hence they are all stood outside Milbank House. It'll be those who have nothing to do with it are standing off with police through own hatred yet the NUS can claim to have nothing to do with the violence even though they agreed to the fees in the first place. I was going to go to this protest and thankful the tickets were taken as this is not going to sort anything out.

  4. Visionary Emissary10 November 2010 at 16:45

    How convenient the agent provocateurs wait for the team b the photo journalists to get into position before they kick the window in. Guaranteed these agents wont be found as they always run away like thieves in the night for they have completed the objective, to watch the students follow the piper and fall again, with the media foaming at the mouth with sensationalism.

  5. The media/anarchist love-in is a feature of all demonstrations. One of the G20 March bank-trashings consisted of 5 protestors and 150 photographers egging them on. Then they all go home satisfied: anarchists think they've struck a blow and the media get pictures they show on a loop as though it's representative (as is happening on BBC News right now).

  6. Indeed, the whole purpose of the demo has been wrecked and those who caused such ructions will slip away.

  7. Visionary Emissary10 November 2010 at 18:12

    Again another coincidental moment where the CCTV operators fail to locate these agents infiltration and evasion. Morning after the ignorant and bigoted cretins will be reading their daily flail, daily star, and sun all with sensational stories and photos full of gories and satisfied tories.

    How to prevent these events from reoccurring is by the legitimate protesters to identify these concealed agents and point at them saying "show your FACE you're a DISGRACE" and "AGENT PROVOCATEUR" !


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