Monday, 25 October 2010

Is this the coolest job ever?

I wonder what the actual research activity would be. Quantum physics and nanoscience, fine. Reading, experiments, observation. 'Ultimate reality'? That would call for many small drinks.

Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Quantum Nanoscience: Fundamental Physics, Emerging Structures and Implications for our Ultimate Reality
Faculty Of Philosophy
University of Oxford

My plan for ultimate reality is to become post-human, then Sublimed into the Singularity. Bye, meat-puppets! (Actually - no thanks. It sounds ghastly). I've just been reading Iain M. Banks' latest.


  1. 'Incoherent and worthless rambling?!'How uncanny - we haven't even met yet you know me inside out...

    I haven't yet read any of your posts, but just wanted to say that I love the name of your blog. Carry on...

  2. ...another round of baby guinnesses for the wild-eyed table-load of quantum-nano-physicist-philosophers, please... hic!

    hey, hey, d'ya know what would be really great right now? jaegerbombs! tequila slammers! and flaming sambuccas! and what are those ones with the creme de menthe??? and get something with an umbrella in it for me too. and some fruit on a stick hanging over the side...

    Post-doctoral, my arse... sounds like an undergrad night out to me. Or a Tuesday.

    Actually, I don't think alcohol will be sufficient to allow Ultimate Reality to emerge...


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