Friday, 15 October 2010

Friday conundrum

Monteverdi or Star Trek on Sunday?


or this?

(or this)


  1. Monteverdi. Because it isn't Star Trek.

  2. Changed my mind- just listened to the Monteverdi clip. Reminded me of the first series of Blackadder.

  3. See, not so easy? I did pick the worst Monteverdi clip available, and the best scene from a bad Trek movie to illustrate the problem.

  4. Oh, reader manipulation- Fabulous!
    I'm sensing you're preferring the Trekkie option.
    As long as you don't have a trekkie uniform to wear whilst watching them, no harm should come of it.

  5. Ewarwoowar just has to say three words and instantly I know he's single.

  6. No, I'm going to the Monteverdi. I'm even taking my mum along. I may be able to manage one of the films at some point. I do have them all on DVD…

    And while I don't know for certain, I am guessing that Ewar is single. Is this unfair?

  7. Mm, depends what you mean. Is it unfair that he's single or that we think he is?

    And I'm sure your mum will appreciate the sacrifice you are making for her.

  8. Unfair to assume that Ewar's single?
    He's very sophisticated. Though his standard appears to be a mediocre though pretty tennis starlet.

  9. I suspect her mediocrity at tennis is not what attracts him!

    And no, not unfair at all. He may enjoy being single. Though I would guess he needs to get out more.

  10. 1) The volleyball comment was in relation to a previous moaning blog entry.

    2) A French Open and a former World #1? Hardly mediocre. Please, children.

    3) Perhaps you could spend a day this weekend watching the anti-football team you claim to support, Voley?

    Good day to you both!

  11. Oooh, got you!
    Not anti-football at all. The spirit of battling football. I'll certainly be following their fortunes.

    We're only teasing about whatever her name is. And about the volleyball!

  12. Well, least my mother loves me.

  13. Oh bless! I'm sure she does.

  14. Yuck! – Neither.
    I’ll be watching Downton Abbey and the all crucial X factor results.


Send me your reckons: