Well done Ireland. Tony Blair turned up to flog copies of his mendacious and embarrassing book, and was pelted with eggs and shoes by the Dublin crowd.
I know people will object. How childish. Won't do any good. Blah, blah, blah. We're not going to get the chance to go through our points of disagreement with the ex-Prime Minister in a calm and rational way. We didn't get to do that when he was in office either, because he's fundamentally irrational - he answered to his conscience, which he seems to have called 'God'. There's no way to debate these people: rational argument always loses in the face of belief.
So sometimes, an egg fits the situation perfectly. It's smooth, greasy and starts to stink after a while. Just like… well, you get my point.
I know you are opposed to Facebook but there are groups on there encouraging people to go into book shops and move Blair's book into the Crime or War sections.