Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Maybe it's just me…

This advert made me hugely angry last night. IT's the casual abuse of the language of rights. This would be OK if everyone already possessed the rights to life, free speech, freedom of assembly, privacy and all the other rights listed in the UN Declaration - but they don't. So for a bloody deodorant manufacturer to steal the language to sell some chemical paste is just hugely insulting - it turns fundamental arguments about the human condition into a joke.

The Rights of Underarm Skin


  1. Notice how all of those purty naked people are white?

  2. I'd like to think it's because only white people are that self obsessed.

    It is a desperately sad ad for sure, although it does almost break through the barrier to being so pathetic that it could become funny.

    People need to be careful about decrying the lack of naked black people on television, it could be misconstrued.

  3. HI Huw. That last sentence made me laugh a lot.
    I suspect that there's been some airbrushing going on too.


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