Friday, 18 June 2010

Shearer = genius

I'm waiting for my lift, and I'm slightly bored.

Neal and I watched France-Mexico last night, and were too lazy to change channel to avoid Alan Shearer's Tour Of The Townships.

It's always entertaining watching slightly dim multimillionaires cope with the lives of others. Watching his face while a young musician explained how her brother's murder inspired her was fun ('Er, that must have been bad'), but the best exchange was this (unfortunately I can't find it on the iPlayer and can't quote it exactly):

Alan, to shack-dwelling black South African: 'You lived under segregation. How did you feel about that?'
Bloke: '??????!!!!!. Er, it was bad'.

Charitably, you could see it as sweet, watching Shearer grope his way to taking a view on apartheid, but it was toe curling. What was they guy meant to say?

'Well Alan, it was a lot of fun. I'd chuck stones at the Boers, they'd kill my family, then we'd all go for a beer and watch the action replay'.
'Well Alan, it felt like being a Sunderland fan at St. James's Park'.
'Well Alan, it reminded me that life is black and white, which you'd know all about, eh?'

(Shearer played for Newcastle United, who play in black and white stripes. They don't get on with neighbours Sunderland, non-soccer readers). Shearer was a very good player. He's an awful commentator though.


  1. I cant put into words how much I dislike that man. Let me assure you though, I dislike him.

  2. I used to have difficulty understanding the nuances of South Africa's defunct Apartheid system but have now had it explained to me by by 2 ex-England centre forwards and a Scottish defender. Thanks guys!


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