Monday, 14 June 2010

OMFG (books edition)

Just been up to to the post room.
Small stuff first: Michael Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius omnibus (classic counterculture novels) and both The Other Two LPs (New Order's married backline), The Other Two and You, and Super Highways, plus the 2CD Folk Against Fascism album, a response to the British National Party's attempt to crash the folk scene. Oh, and the new translation of Tasso's Gierusalemme Liberata.

But never mind that - the first of my £80 books has arrived. Sarah - my colleague - is moaning, rocking and smelling the pages. It's a 2 volume, beautifully bound, massive hardback Oxford Chronology of English Literature, edited by Michael Cox. If it's written in English 1474-2001, it's here - in order of publication to give a snapshot of literary periods. I cannot express how happy this has made me.


  1. £80 on a book! That's two-and-a-half haircuts!

  2. That's 9 haircuts where I go! You can probably tell.

  3. Seriously though, it is great to see all those years of hard work paying off. Mmmmm expensive books.


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