Wednesday, 2 June 2010

How globalised capitalism sterilises and kills pigs

1. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals in Ireland make contraceptive pills (very ironic choice of location)
2. Waste water full of hormones is sent to a second company (Cara Environmental Technology - full marks for lovely greenwashing name) for disposal.
3. Second company sells it to a third company, Bioland - in Belgium.
4. Third company - in Belgium - sells it to a fourth - Dutch -  company as a component in pig-feed treacle.
5. Thousands of pigs are fed hormone laced feed made by several more companies who've bought the treacle from the fourth company.
6. The pigs are infertile.
7. 50,000 infertile pigs are killed. $145 million is lost.

Wyeth has admitted 4 of 18 charges. Cara denies them all.

Bingo! Our greed for cheap meat leads to an mass deaths in and industry made economically viable by waste, pointless transport and pollution.

Full report here.

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