Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Exciting public lecture tonight

All our students now have to achieve 'global citizenship' as one of their 'graduate attributes'. Despite being the teachers, we've not been told what 'global citizenship' actually means, despite repeatedly asking for pedagogical leadership. It was, in fact, described as a 'hollow space' when someone asked the question at a staff meeting.

I do know that 'global citizenship' doesn't involve learning another language - our degree courses are now all suspended, and the non-degree courses in languages are going to cost extra, which will make students flock to them.

So anyway, there's a public lecture on the subject tonight, where I'm hoping to find that it doesn't involve flogging policing degrees to rich dictatorships. Perhaps I'll blog it. Feel free to come along.

Meanwhile, sympathy is due to my friend Judith, who's returned from a Belgian holiday with a cold. She's feeling a little Phlegmish…


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