Monday, 10 May 2010

Sometimes I believe in Karma

(Walking down to the swimming pool).

Idiot in rear of car: [Incoherent abuse]
Me: ??

A minute later… thanks to the glorious intervention of the traffic lights at a complicated junction:

Me: I'm terribly sorry, I didn't catch what you said to me.
IinC: [Dives down to hide]
Me: You definitely tried to communicate with me. Could you repeat it?
IinC: mumblemumblemumble
Me: Are we acquainted?
IinC: [Now sitting up, staring fixedly at unwavering traffic light] ………
Me: Only, your tone sounded distinctly pejorative and I wondered why you would do something like that.

Lights change. Car zooms off. Idiot in Car leans out and repeats whatever it was. Too late. I was already happier, sure that for a brief moment, the worm had turned.


  1. Last time that happened to me I lobbed half a bottle of lucozade into a car window. Stupid really, as I have no muscles and (nowadays) no running speed, but when I get mad I react really irrationally and potentially self-destructively and it (usually) scares aggressors off. I've also got a really potty mouth on me. Your response was a gem.

  2. The last time? Blimey, you make it sound like a hobby!


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