Today's newspapers are depressing: moronic, manipulative and arrogant (
The Express: 'Only David Cameron Can Save Britain' FFS). The worst is
The Sun, that racist, reactionary mouthpiece of Rupert Murdoch. Bored with mindlessly cheerleading for David Cameron and worried that it won't scare voters away from Brown and Clegg enough, they've turned to… reality TV.
Most depressingly of all: Cowell's on record claiming never to have voted. But in the minds of Murdoch and his executives, that doesn't matter. He's famous, and
Sun readers know who he is. Therefore they should do what he says.
I give up. I'm also ashamed that I, and you, know who he is.
Thank God for the Guardian's Live Blog for all our election needs, everything missed whilst in school I've caught up with and once again it's Brown who is the singular figure of credibility. But, of course, reading his speeches and watching his monotonous self on debates is too difficult for casual observers and the tabloids know it. Hopefully, many of these people will be too drunk/lazy/busy collecting giro's.