Thursday, 13 May 2010

Another colonial appointment

Deputy Welsh Minister: David Jones, MP for Clwyd West. He doesn't, of course, speak Welsh (that's for peasants) even though he represents a North Wales consitutency and he hates wind farms, but he does love nuclear weapons, hereditary legislators, Europhobia and homophobia, judging by his voting record.


  1. Get your facts right. David Jones does speak Welsh!

  2. Well, if you say so, but there's nothing on his various websites, interviews or profiles in the press in Welsh or mentioning any ability to speak Welsh. Got any evidence, 'anonymous'?

  3. Welsh voter who can't speak Welsh13 May 2010 at 19:08

    Don't get upset anonymous, the Vole is doing his propaganda bit. He will often present 'facts' in a way reminiscent of the gutter press but with a socialist slant. He thinks being right excuses sloppy research, it is part of his charm.

  4. I'm still waiting for evidence of David Jones's Welsh-speaking credentials. I've found plenty of speeches by him mentioning the language, yet nowhere does he claim to speak it - in a Welsh-speaking constituency, I'd have thought he'd give some speeches in Welsh or at least mention that he can speak it.

    So as it stands, I am right.

  5. But to settle matters, I've written to ask him.

  6. David Jones clearly does speak Welsh:

  7. I'm not convinced. Wales's best political reporter (in both languages) says 'It's news to me', and there's still no text, speech or recording anywhere that demonstrates his Welsh. So- this is a little evidence that he does, but not conclusive.

  8. However, the e-mail I've received is conclusive: David Jones MP says he does speak Welsh, and therefore three things can be proved:
    1. The internet can't tell you everything.
    2. I can be horrendously wrong.
    3. Even Welsh-speakers can be Tory scum.

    I won't correct my original post as that would make it look like I wasn't utterly mistaken.

    Respect to Mr Jones to replying so quickly - I'm still waiting for my own MP to respond to a polite question.


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