Annoyingly, the office is closed tomorrow, so you'll hear no more of me for a few days, other than the feverish scratching of a quill from my garret as I cobble together something halfway convincing for the Anne of Green Gables paper I'm delivering in Cambridge next week.
Why don't you fill in the time taking the Guardian's First Line Quiz. I got 17 out of 20, though some guesswork was involved. Maddeningly, I've read 2 of the 3 I got wrong. Ho hum.
If you're in the West Midlands on Saturday and fancy facing down the fascists, come to the anti-English Defence League rally in beautiful Dudley: 11 a.m. They've trashed Stoke already, so they've moved on to a town in which rioting won't make the slightest bit of difference to the naked eye.
Seriously though, these people are scum. Let's show them that most Yam Yams aren't bigots.
Good luck with your research paper Dr. Vole