Capitalism, not content with selling us Scrabble, has decided to get its bloody claws on the scoreboard too: the makers have announced that proper nouns (that's names, kids) are henceforth acceptable. It makes the game easier, but more importantly, it extends this pernicious system into the heart of human relations. We aren't even allowed to exclude the corporate from our private battles without it becoming a subversive act.
OK, you might say, stick to the rules. You must play with saps. My opponents will use anything to score a measly single point more. The floodgates are open. What's next? Branded chessmen (oops, I've already got a Simpsons chess set someone gave me).
Mattel's Bullshit Spreader said 'younger people and families' will play if proper nouns are involved. I want to scream. He's really saying 'We've won. Young people and families are branded. We own them. They can't think of the world in non-corporate terms. Ha ha ha ha ha scum'.
The Rules are not being changed. It's just a new version of scrabble that is being released:
Oh, OK then. Panic over.