Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Cowardly Cameron

He's refused to do an interview with Jeremy Paxman. Nick Clegg, the Lib Dem leader, did one yesterday.

A Paxman or Snow interview is a challenge. There won't be easy questions, but it's a chance to establish that you have substance and depth.

Cameron's strategy, of course, is that he has nothing to gain and everything to lose because he's ahead. The counter-argument, and it's one I share, is that sticking tightly to cosy interviews on chatshow sofas indicates your intellectual quality. Cameron's following the Blair technique, which was despicable then and remains so.

Brown could choose not to do one now, but I think it would be smart to do so. He's behind anyway, and he can make a point that he doesn't run away from hard questioning - claim the moral high ground.

If you're bored by politics, here's a cat playing with an iPad. Ahhhhh…

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