Monday, 26 April 2010

Bye bye England…

I've been mightily impressed by Plaid Cymru and the Scottish Nationalist Party during this electoral cycle, and they're clearly working well together.

So I have a cunning plan. Instead of aiming for complete independence for Scotland and Wales, they should campaign for English independence, then form a federal Republic without England (Northern Ireland can finally join the Republic of Ireland). Result: paradise. And the two nations together would trump England when it came to  deciding who got the United Nations Security Council seat. Then we'd see a much more mature world order.

There's no down side - other than for England, which would be stuck with a Tory majority for ever…


  1. 'Plashing Vole'...perhaps 'Roley Mo' would be more apt?...'llyfr broch' doesn't quite have the same ring to it though! :)

  2. Never heard of Roley Mo.
    Are you calling me a 'book badger' or an 'angry book'?

  3. I doubt you would, he's a purple badger from the 'Fimbles' whose sett is bursting with books...'book badger' was the closest translation I could get! Merely affectionate jest Vole...I commented on the wrong post for a start so it must have sounded even more cryptic


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