Sunday, 14 March 2010

Tory Scum Hate The Poor: proof

A particularly evil group of financiers stalk the poorer countries, known as Vulture Funds. They realised that massive (i.e. multibillion) loans given to the developing world, especially to dictatorships, as part of the Cold War won't ever be repaid, and bought the debts from the banks for pennies in the pound.

Then they sue the governments of starving countries (Cameroon, Zambia, Nicaragua) for the full amount and Western courts always rule in their favour. So the debts we've always campaigned to forgive are out of our hands. Money which could be spent on food, education or healthcare is spent on court fees and interest payments.

To their credit, the current American and British governments are fed up with this bloodsucking and are trying to stop 'champerty' (purchasing debts solely to litigate) and it was all going swimmingly until the Conservative Party got involved.

Yes, cuddly, green, caring Cameron's party decided to put a stop to this outrageous charity. In shocking scenes in Parliament last week, three Tory MPs huddled together. Heads down - so that they couldn't be identified by the voters who definitely didn't put them in place to screw the poor -  one of them shouted 'object', which is all it took to end the passage of the bill. Millions of people condemned to sickness, poverty and an early death to benefit some (mostly American, tax-avoiding) billionaires whose only skill is to hire a lawyer.

Who was this MP? Only three Conservatives had bothered to attend - clearly the other several hundred just don't care about world poverty rather than actively support it. The vampire 3 (two of whom are Party officials) are:

Christopher Chope (Christchurch - masterminded the Poll Tax and the sale of council housing)
Andrew Robathan (Blaby, Deputy Chief Whip)
Simon Burns (Chelsmford West)

There's an election coming up. Even if you are a Conservative, these three deserve the sack simply for this one act of motiveless evil, and for their cowardice.

(If you are a Tory MP and unsure of how to vote, forget your pro-apartheid 1980s stance and ask yourself this: where does Desmond Tutu stand on this issue? If you're against him, you're wrong).

This meanness of spirit is what it truly means to be a Tory.

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