Other entries with pictures of Challenge Wratislavia are here, here, here, here and all the photographs are here.
They all got on famously despite spending most weekends in British sports halls as deadly rivals.
The Polish hosts were perfect: efficient and friendly, and the teams mixed really well. Facebook contacts may well have been swapped.
This guy won. Same as last year. He's…well… very confident. He's arsed up this fleche quite badly.
Indoor Fireworks (is also a Laura Cantrell song)
Ugg Boots: apparently part of this year's kit…
For the immediate future - make sure they're all settled down, then go for a celebratory sparkling mineral water in the bar (and no, that isn't a euphemism, it's an alcohol-free trip).
we are going to link this post from our Wratislavia Challenge site - hope you don't mind. And thanks for coming.