Monday, 22 March 2010

All hail Steven Moffat

He wrote the best Doctor Who episode ever (and Press Gang and Coupling), and has this to say:

"I hope the Tories don't win. Let's not beat around the bush," he says. "[But] I'd hope that anyone who becomes prime minister would look at the organisation and ask themselves if the world would really be better off without it." Moffat is not blind to the corporation's faults, but sees it as "an incredibly responsible and brilliant organisation" that is "never given credit for trying to hold itself to a higher standard, one that no newspaper or other broadcaster is".
"Are we really going to put James Murdoch in place of [the BBC]? Can you imagine how shit everything would be? Never mind the fine and glorious things that the BBC does, imagine how shit everything would be! Stuff would be shit! Let's not have really good restaurants, let's have Kentucky Fried Chicken!"
 "all we writers really want to do is write a script, toss it over a wall and go out with strippers"

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