Wednesday, 10 February 2010

What a wonderful Wednesday

Been for a swim with Neal.
Copying 180Gb of my music from a knackered hard drive over to my new Mac - manually. It's very slow and I'm waiting for it to fail.
Then instead of gardening - the original plan - I'm off to Brum to the Apple shop to get the clever people to copy my settings and data over. I should then be able to start writing all the things I promised I'd write…

Anyone else see the hedge fund trader on Newsnight last night? He basically suggested that the Greeks should be left to starve because the bond markets don't like the Greek economy. Nevermind that the bond markets gave AAA ratings to the banks which went bust, leading to governments getting into massive debts to save them - government bonds have now been downgraded by these same bastards, which means governments have to pay even more money when they borrow.

When the revolution comes, I'm going to fire the first shots through their Blackberries and into their cold black hearts.


  1. I didn't see Newsnight but have been reading about it in the Guardian - police tear gassing public sector workers - that's a helpful, calm, measured and reasonable approach! Larry Elliott makes some compelling points about the Greek situation.

    It is a wonderful Wednesday - I nominate Richard Curtis and Bill Nighy as heroes of the week. Why? The Robin Hood Tax of course. I've already signed up to the campaign, it's very, very exciting and happy making!

    It is a sorry state of affairs that 'celebrities' (though ones with actual talent in this case) are being bold and taking moves such as this rather than any of our political leaders, but really, are we surprised?

  2. Hey Vole! I didn't see Newsnight, nor do I have anything weighty or helpgul to add to the subject topic so apologies for posting this here. If you have a spare 600mb(!!) on your new toy you could do a lot worse then pick up PDF files of all the Plan B magazines, as approved by the guys who ran it, here:

    You may have some already but I presumed you were a fan of Everett True from your blogroll link to his blog. Anyway, if you or anybody else is interested they are there to be downloaded by all.

    Hope all of your lo-fi/indie/classical/twee music made it safely to the other side.


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