Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Picture post

I took a few pictures when I was at home last. Mostly, very sentimentally, of the kitten, which spends its time eating, sleeping and tormenting the 20yr old cat we have.

The old one sits at tables expecting to be fed, thanks to my sister

Even work can be a winter wonderland

After the abuse I took from Cynical Ben for my last (plain, black, shapeless) hat, I thought I'd check that the new one meets his approval. It's plain red on the reverse.


  1. Fine kitten.
    Fine cat with a commendable sense of entitlement.
    Can't disguise work with a bit of white stuff.
    Grand hat, and it's good that you can travel to and from said work in different guises.

  2. Can I just point out that the previous hat was a ridiculously bad fit. A giant formless mass of hat that made him look like a village idiot.

    The Vole has a very nice summer hat and I merely wanted to ensure that he looked as good in winter plumage. I was being cruel to be kind.

    The only rule of thumb with wooly hats is that they fit snugly on the head. If you have one that doesn't go here to see why you need a new hat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul_hcxlA5KU

  3. What a magnificently excessive chapeau the Bloke from East 17 wears in that video. Ben, your memory for popular culture detail is astounding,

  4. its still work though - under all that pretty snow its just the same old 'wonderful' place!!!


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