Thursday, 4 February 2010

Nuts to you

Much hilarity ensues in my departmental meeting as I open the parcel. Was it my new Mac? No, damn it.

It was this: the Margaret Thatcher Nutcracker. Misogynistic, yes. Funny? Definitely. Many thanks to The Well of Lost Blogs.

Meanwhile, on the theme of hated people:


  1. Genius! I don't see the Thatcher nutcracker as remotely misogynistic. Bandwagon feminists may make such protests but real ones know that Thatcher got where she was by doing her very best to impersonate and inhabit all the characteristics of a male leader.

  2. and put back the cause of women getting into power about 200 years!

  3. Can I just point out that I knew that guy on the swing and personally I couldn't stand the little wanker.


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