Tuesday, 9 February 2010

How to PROPERLY reform your university

This is the Aberdeen model, and it sounds good:
1. Consult widely rather than impose
2. Take your time
3. Be radical
4. Spend lots of money
5. Be ambitious
6. Don't sack lots of people - recruit them.

The responses from industry, politicians, students, parents and staff were remarkably similar. The ideal graduate was "intellectually flexible", a critical thinker and a team player; someone who could see their discipline in a wider context; someone who was, above all, employable.

1 comment:

  1. I'm all for being radical and ambitious, and consulting instead of imposing, but doesn't the Aberdeen model depend on being in the fortunate position of having lots of money to spend in the first place, so you can, for example, recruit rather than sack?


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