Friday, 5 February 2010

Free at last…

And so the week draws to a weary close. I've delivered major lectures on Cultural Studies, Modernity and now a two hour blockbuster on All Of Medieval Literature, History And Culture, 450-1485 and I'm tired.

I hope the lecture was OK. There's so much material to discuss and much of it will never be mentioned again on the English degree, so I try to at least give the names of stunning work: Beowulf and 'The Seafarer' are given some attention, and Chaucer, but I also rammed in Layamon's Brut, Gerald of Wales, the Decameron, Gerusalemme Liberata, Gawain and the Green Knight, La Morte D'Arthur, La Chanson de Roland, miracle plays, morality plays, mystery plays, Everyman and all sorts of others, all sweetened with multiple clips from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, though I didn't have time for these two, on the French and on medieval politics.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you get the cultural literacy instilled in them, along with the literary kind. (One of my greatest joys as a parent was introducing intellikid to the Python crew.)


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