Monday, 25 January 2010

Pornograffi, yn cymraeg

I'm not a fan of porn - I'm far too leftwing and ex-Catholic for that kind of nonsense.

But I do worry that minority languages will fade if they aren't used in all walks of life - Welsh was saved, then throttled, by the Chapels. It's surviving very well because shaven-headed lads in checked shirts can behave as badly as they like on Friday nights in yr hen iaith.

So I'm pleased to announce that you can now peruse some very clichéd 'teacher-getting-her-kit-off' photographs which feature a basic Welsh lesson. Full marks for linguistic skills, no marks for liberal values.

I haven't followed his link, of course, but the initial reference is here on Babylon Wales, with a safe-for-work picture.

Interestingly, the Academi dictionary says there's no Welsh word for erotica, and the Welsh for 'pornography' is pornograffi, which implies that sexual imagery is a late, English import. Either the Welsh are sexless, or they're so well-adjusted and sexually satisfied that such material is superfluous


  1. Drawn pawb chanddyn ag 'r dreisio chan an 'n ddicllon Celi. Canfod 'i s cyfnerthedig 'm at ddysg Cymraeg! Fel 'n ardderchog 'n addysgol.

  2. Who did that for you, Ewar? Yes, it is a magnificent way to learn Welsh.


  4. That explains the (minor) grammatical errors then.

  5. I am sure they are really just content, porn is not necessary for sex.

    Word Verification -latin...nice!

  6. I don't want to burst Ewarwoowar's bubble, but translation machines are a very bad way to learn a language. The grammatical errors in that post weren't minor. I'm a fluent speaker and all I could make of it was, "everyone . . . rape . . . find . . . consolidated . . . Welsh learning. Like excellent educational". Although I do agree Welsh-language porn is a much-needed medium.

  7. I was being kind… it was a string of nouns and adjectives. The wrong nouns! Automated versions are bad for most languages, but mutated ones fare particularly badly.

  8. Hehehe.

    You guys are presuming I didn't know that that sentence translated back into English is a load of nonsense...

    I was very grateful it was, as my initial comment was a tad naughty.


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